Membership NZD AUD
Once only membership fee (includes registration of stud prefix) $70 $60
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Promotions subscription
- 12 month stallion promotion.
$70 $70
Registration - studbook one & two NZD AUD
Filly/colt up to 12 months $30 $25
Gelding any age $30 $25
- if already entered in Appaloosa or Knabstrupper registry $24 $20
Mare over 12 months $58 $50
- if already entered in Appaloosa or Knabstrupper registry $24 $20
Colt/stallion over 12 months $58 $50
Stallion classification (over 24 months) $168 $150
- if already entered and classified in Appaloosa or Knabstrupper registry $58 $50
Registration - open registry NZD AUD
Filly up to 12 months $30 $25
Mare over 12 months $58 $50
Gelding any age $38 $25
Stallion/mare returns
Submitted annually FREE
Transfer of ownership $18 $15
Change of registration certificate - e.g. colour update, notification of gelding $18 $15

* Service certificates from Appaloosa or Knabstrupper registries are acceptable